Data terms of use

Data submitted to PSInet will become part of the PSInet database. The PSInet database will be subject to a one year embargo, during which time only authors will have access to it. After this period, the database will be published as an open-access resource with a CC-By-4.0 license. 

What this means for database end users

Database users can freely share and adapt the data with appropriate credit by:

  • Citing the PSInet data publication, or 

  • If five or fewer datasets are utilized, citing the PSInet data publication and each individual dataset. In this case, database end-users will also be strongly encouraged to contact the dataset contributors to invite their collaboration on the paper, though this can not be strictly enforced.

What this means for database contributors

Before you submit data, please ensure that you and all relevant data creators have read, understand, and fully agree to the PSInet data use policy (this policy).

In exchange for your dataset(s), you and your coauthors will receive:

  • Up to two individuals per dataset will be named as co-authors on the PSInet data publication.

  • Advanced access to the PSInet database during the one-year embargo period prior to data publication.

  • Priority access to PSInet activities such as training workshops, conference meet-ups, and the synthesis workshop.