Register for the 2024 Plant Hydraulics Methods Workshop

Highlands Biological Station, July 16-20
plant hydraulics

University of Georgia


January 26, 2024

Figure 1: Participants of the 2017 Plant Hydraulics workshop in Idaho. This could be you in July!


We’re announcing the long-awaited return of the Plant Hydraulics Methods Workshop, organized by Dan Johnson and sponsored by PSInet. Potential topics include:

  • Sample collection, storage, and preparation
  • Leaf pressure-volume curves and measurement of leaf water potential
  • Measurements of hydraulic conductance and conductivity
  • Measurements of xylem vulnerability to embolism
  • Whole-tree water use: sap flow and eddy covariance methods
  • Active xylem staining
  • Optical dendrometry
Figure 2: Need to measure hydraulic conductance? Learn from the experts so you don’t flood a microbalance!

When and where?

The workshop will be held at the Highlands Biological Station (HBS). All housing and catered lunches and dinners will be covered by the workshop funds and up to $700 in travel reimbursement will be available to all attendees. There are full kitchens in each housing unit where attendees can make breakfast, coffee, etc. and there is a grocery store that is less than a ten minute walk from the station.

Figure 3: Picture yourself immersed in hydraulics methods amidst the beauty of Highlands Biological Station

Getting there

Attendees should fly into Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta airport (ATL) with an arrival of no later than 6 pm on July 16th. Shuttles will be waiting at the Atlanta airport to transport attendees to HBS. Shuttles will depart HBS at 7 am on July 20th to take attendees back to ATL. Departing flights should be scheduled to take off at noon or later on July 20th.

Tentative schedule

Date Morning Afternoon Evening
Tuesday, July 16th Travel Travel Sleep!
Wednesday, July 17th Intros + kickoff lecture Workshop rotations Group meetings
Thursday, July 18th Workshop rotations Free Career panel
Friday, July 19th Workshop rotations Group work Big data evening
Saturday, July 20th Travel Travel Travel


Please provide a 1-page statement of interest and a current CV to Dan Johnson () by March 1, 2024. Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2024.


  • Dan Johnson, University of Georgia
  • Daniel Beverly, Indiana University
  • Bill Hammond, University of Florida
  • Kate McCulloh, University of Wisconsin
  • Chris Oishi, US Forest Service