PhysFest 2023

PhysFest 4 - October 2023
plant hydraulics
plant water potential
soil water potential

University of California, Santa Barbara


December 7, 2023

Phys-Fest 4 took place in October 2023 at the SEV LTER in the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, NM!

Day 0

Travel from SBA to ABQ



Hike around the UNM Sevilleta Field Station




Day 1

Research Topic of the Day - Thermal and Hyperspectral Imagery

Led by Bill Hammond and Dan Griffith

Taking hyperspectral images

Taking hyperspectral images


Taking hyperspectral images

Taking hyperspectral images

Taking a soil profile

Taking a soil profile

Field trip led by Prof. Will Pockman








Day 2

Research Topic of the Day - Gas Exchange

Led by Doug Lynch and Elizabeth Gordon

I was so enthralled learning about gas exchange and the use of LI-6800, LI-600, and LI-600N that I do not have photographs!

Field trip led by Prof. Marcy Litvak showing us eddy flux sites in her network


Day 3

Research Topic of the day - Water Potential

Led by Jessica Guo

Jess teaching the Pinyon group about psychrometers

Jess teaching the Pinyon group about psychrometers

Field trip led by Prof. Scott Collins to SEV LTER experiments

Including the Mean-Variance Experiment, EDGE, and the Monsoon Rainfall Manipulation experiment.


Day 4

Research Topic of the day - Environmental Sensors

Led by Jeff Ritter and Chris Chambers

We learned all about METER group sensors and how to properly install them.

Installing weather and soil sensors

Installing weather and soil sensors

Installing weather and soil sensors

Installing weather and soil sensors


Xander Redlins with a LAI sensor

Xander Redlins with a LAI sensor

Jeff Ritter explaining sensors at the UNM Sevilleta Field Station

Jeff Ritter explaining sensors at the UNM Sevilleta Field Station